Lloyds Bank Near Me
What is the location of the nearest Lloyds Bank branch now? View this map to see where Lloyds Bank ATMs and branches are located in your city.
Lloyds Bank Branch & ATM Locations Near Me
The most straightforward approach to locating a Lloyds Bank branch is to use the branch locator at www.lloydsbank.com/branch-locator/search.asp. You can also pick ‘branch’ or ‘cashpoint’ to view branches that are open on Saturday when you enter town/city, postcode, and district in the search box.
About Lloyds Bank
Lloyds Bank plc, registration number 119278, is registered by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority. The Financial Services Compensation Scheme protects eligible deposits (FSCS).
Lloyds Bank is a commercial and retail bank based in the United Kingdom. It was founded in 1765 in Birmingham as one of the “Big Four” clearing banks. With 16 million individuals and small business customers, it is the largest retail bank in the United Kingdom. Lloyds has its headquarters in London, but it also has offices in Leeds, Sheffield, Halifax, Wales, and Scotland.
Lloyds Bank is a famous bank that provides financial services in the United Kingdom. Lloyds Bank branches’ phone numbers and opening hours can be found here.
Lloyds Bank Customer Service
Customer service: If you’re in the UK, dial 0345 602 1997; if you’re outside the UK, dial +44 1733 347 007; both lines are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Hours of operation: Following the procedures below, you can learn about the business hours of a nearby branch.
Lloyds Bank FAQs:
Q1. Who is the owner of Lloyds Bank?
Ans: Lloyds Banking Group is a British financial organization founded in 2009 by Lloyds TSB’s acquisition of HBOS. With 30 million customers & 65,000 staff, it is one of the major financial services organizations in the United Kingdom.
Q2. Is Lloyds Bank Reputable?
Ans: Lloyds Bank was formed in Birmingham in 1765, making it one of the country’s oldest banks. It is also the leading retail bank in the United Kingdom, with around 2,000 branches across the country.
Q3. Is Lloyds Bank secure?
Ans: Lloyds Bank is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority, and all of our savings accounts, current accounts, and ISAs are protected by the FSCS.
Q4. Which banks are associated with Lloyds Bank?
Ans: Lloyds Banking Group includes well-known brands such as Lloyds Bank, Halifax, Bank of Scotland, and Scottish Widows. The Group has a distinct customer proposition that allows us to meet our customers’ financial needs in a single location.
Q5. Can I get a Lloyds account if I live in another country?
Ans: Opening a bank account in another country can be time-consuming and complex, especially if you don’t know the language. The Bank may open a current international account in Sterling, Euro, and US Dollars for you before you leave, allowing you to access your salary and pay your bills promptly.